Programmable protocol development Excel, Inc. Customer education programs

Service and Support News from Excel Inc.

World Class Customer Education, Technical Documentation and System Support

At Excel Inc., a ringing phone is ALWAYS answered!Excel Announces Expanded Support Call Hours:8 a.m. to 9 p.m. EST. Excel understands that in order for switch developers and deployers to succeed, customer service must be available when and where needed. To facilitate longer live call hours for our expanding customer base and worldwide installations, Excel has expanded its support call schedule. Systems Engineering is now available to answer your questions from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. EST. Twenty-four support continues via paging.To contact Excel's Systems Support Engineers, just call the toll-free number (1-800-541-7002). As always, Excel's Systems Support is also accessible via the internet for E-mail, and via an on-line bulletin board service:

New documentation -- compact size, easy to readNew LNX Documentation Set for System Software, Version 5.0 A comprehensive suite of manuals in looseleaf binders is now available for Release 5.0 users. It combines a new easy-to-read format, handy tabbing, and a compact totable size. Current publications will be available on CD-ROM shortly. The set includes:

Excel service excellence - a vision & an achievement

World Class Customer Education Excel provides a curriculum of comprehensive customer training in all aspects of its switching hardware and software. For details about current offerings visit Excel's Customer Training page.


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